Wingersheim les Quatre Bans, France

Wingersheim les Quatre Bans is a municipality in Arrondissement de Saverne in Bas-Rhin in Grand Est in France with a population of approximately 2,272 people.

Facts and figures on Wingersheim les Quatre Bans at a glance

Region name: Wingersheim les Quatre Bans (Wingersheim les Quatre Bans)
Status: Municipality
Population: 2,272 people
Region name (Level 3): Arrondissement de Saverne Arrondissement de Saverne
Region name (Level 2): Bas-Rhin Bas-Rhin
Region name (Level 1): Grand Est Grand Est
Country: France
Continent: Europe

Facts and figures on Wingersheim les Quatre Bans
MunicipalityPopulationRegional headquartersPopulation
Wingersheim les Quatre Bans Wingersheim les Quatre Bans2,272 people--

Compare with other municipalities in Arrondissement de Saverne.

Map of Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Map of Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Information on Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Information on Wingersheim les Quatre Bans
Municipality nameRegion name Level 3Region name Level 2Region name Level 1CountryContinent
Wingersheim les Quatre Bans Wingersheim les Quatre BansArrondissement de Saverne Arrondissement de SaverneBas-Rhin Bas-RhinGrand Est Grand EstFranceEurope

Time in Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Time in Wingersheim les Quatre Bans
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Thu, 2 May 2024 - 3:38am (03:38h)In effect (+1 hour)Thu, 2 May 2024 - 2:38am (02:38h)GMT UTC +2.0Europe/Paris

Geographic coordinates of Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Latitude & Longitude of Wingersheim les Quatre Bans
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map48°43'20.0"N (48.7222200°)7°38'09.0"E (7.6358300°)

External sources of information on Wingersheim les Quatre Bans

Wingersheim les Quatre Bans on Wikipedia